2002 Winter Olympics
The Festivities Downtown
A group of people.  Watching water.
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Main street Salt Lake City.
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Men's Arial Finals
Deer Valley resort, where the event took place.
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Talk about getting air.  These guys can get 50+ feet off the ground.
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The official score board.  The officiater there was much better than whoever NBC was using when the event was aired on TV.
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Here!  Have a camera in your face.  Joe Pack after the results were displayed.
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Someone hanging upside down in the air.  Not really sure who.  (Apologies the country he was representing.)
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I wonder how these guys don't break their legs.
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Another one for the camera.
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The flower ceremony.  At $95 a ticket, you'd think you'd be able to see them get their medal.
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One more happy "Hurrah!"
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A look back at the stands.
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Last Night
The biggest fireworks show I've ever seen.
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Part of downtown Salt Lake City.  That's where the pictures at the top of the page were taken.
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