Product Description
Numvert v1.0 A simple program that simultaneously converts between binary, decimal, hexidecimal, and floating-point numbers.
RBDUtil v2.0 A Win32 utility, similar to VGS, for transfering data between your PC and Super WildCard, Super Magicom, or Super Magic Drive
Riffed v1.1 A utility for parsing RIFF files
SNESamp v3.3.4 A plug-in for Winamp that plays music files (.SPC) from Super NES games
SPCRen v3.2 Use this program to rename the .SPC files from the SNESmusic site to more human friendly names
For older downloads go here.
If you wish to redistribute any of these programs, please link to the files directly instead of copying them to your own web server.

Numvert v1.0 2005.01.16 Screenshot

A simple program that simultaneously converts between binary, decimal, hexidecimal, and floating-point numbers.


RBDUtil v2.0 2005.08.26 Screenshot

A Win32 utility, similar to VGS, for transfering data between your PC and Super WildCard, Super Magicom, or Super Magic Drive.

Works in all 32-bit versions of Windows, inculding 2000 and XP
Upload and download ROM, SRAM, and real-time save data
Automatically applies IPS patches
SMD support could be buggy because I don't have an SMD for testing

Changes to 2.0

+ Added support for the Super Magic Drive
+ LPT and device selections are now saved
- Fixed a bug in the SRAM uploading code
- Fixed a bug in the IPS patch applier
- Improved delay/timeout code (should reduce the number of LPT errors on hyper fast systems)


Riffed v1.2 2004.10.27 Screenshot

A utility for parsing RIFF files.
Allows you to easily view the raw contents of all chunks in a Resource Interchange File Format.
Good for helping to track down errors in your code when reading or writing RIFF files.

Displays data in a hex view or in a user defined structure
Includes predefined structures for WAV and DLS files

Changes to 1.2

- Window position is saved
- Updated the chunk view to use the default Windows system font


SNESamp v3.3.4 2008.03.28 Screenshot

A plug-in for Winamp that plays music files (.SPC) from Super NES games.


Uses the open source SNESAPU emulation library:
8-192kHz sampling rate
8,16,24,32-bit samples
Linear, cubic, sinc, and gaussian interpolation
Stereo controls - L/R separation, feedback crosstalk, phase invert
Two mixing routines - Integer and floating-point
Presets for hardware compatibility and quality

ID666 tag editor
Plays SPC, ZST, and RSN (RAR'd SPC archives)
Separate control dialog for adjusting playback settings in real-time

Changes to 3.3.4

- Fixed bad strings getting written to the XID6 tag

Changes to 3.3.3

- Fixed the amplfication field in the tag editor writing out a different value than entered
- Fixed interpolation defaulting to gaussian because of a bad parameter

Changes to 3.3.2

- Fixed SPC700 registers getting wiped out when saving an ID666 tag

Changes to 3.3.1

- Fixed keys not working in ID666 tag editor
- Fixed artist name missing initial characters

Changes to 3.3.0

- Fixed more issues with Winamp 5.x
- Fixed a bug in the auto end feature that was incorrectly ending a small number of songs
- Fixed a bug that was causing a DEP crash
+ Rewrote the SPC700 emulator to make it faster and more accurate
+ Added 8-point Sinc interpolation
+ Added per voice anti-aliasing
+ Added quadraphonic output
- Fixed reverse stereo not working


SPC Renamer v3.2 2007.10.17 Screenshot

A utility for renaming .spc files.

Drag and drop operation

Changes to 3.2

+ Added the option to pull the disc and track number from the file name if they're missing in the tag
- Fixed a consistent crash (don't know how I missed that one)

Changes to 3.0

+ Format string now works like SNESamp
+ New file names are now previewed before being renamed
- Format string is saved on exit